Section: Dissemination


  • C. Godin gave an invited 2 hours seminar to 4 classes of high-school students for the Math week (March) at the Lyce ́e International de Valbonne, France.

  • C. Godin gave a couple of 2h classes at Lyce ́e Pompidou (Montpellier).

  • C. Godin participated to the writing of a collective book reviewing the recent discoveries in Biology and dedicated to a wide audience including politicians and medias.

  • O. Ali is a member of the Sam & You newsletter (the newsletter of the SAM Inria research center) writing committee.

  • H. Oliveri took part in the Class’Code Initiative, a Mooc produced by Inria and OpenClassRoom provinding supports and guidelines for people wanting to teach computer science to young childrens.